BASIC RULES of CONDUCT Managers/ coaches are responsible for team & your fans NO ALCOHOL NO DRUGS NO GUNS NO SMOKING NO CHEWING TOBACCO NO VAPING NO LOUD MUSIC NO DOGS *PLEASE PICK UP ALL TRASH* (Teams will be fined) UMPIRES FEES $20 PER TEAM PER GAME FORFEITING TEAM PAYS BOTH TEAMS UMPIRES FEES BASIC RULES of the GAME 3 slow pitch to own team Ball hits pitcher batter is out No lead offs Must use safety bases (1st base) DO NOT TOUCH HOME PLATE - Instead run past the line painted near home plate. Touching home plate will be an out. No metal cleats Substitute runners as needed but not same runner consecutively Commitment line is in play (3rd to home) Teams MAY NOT bat 3 males consecutively Teams must have 10 defenders 6 male 4 female Defense must play behind 3rd & cones in outfield with female at bat. Outfielders MAY NOT throw to first on a hit ball. Rover may not cross in front of designated pitchers mound Home runs are 1 up. Each team gets unlimited home runs per game Every illegal home run is an out Home Run = Over the fence